Refonder le système de protection sociale. Pour une nouvelle génération de droits sociaux,, Presses de Sciences Po, with Bernard Gazier and Bruno Palier, 2014.ISBN: 139782724616255

November 14, 2014

Rebuilding the Social security system. For a new generations of social rights -> Refonder le système de protection sociale. Pour une nouvelle génération de droits sociaux, Presses de Sciences Po, with Bernard Gazier and Bruno Palier, 2014


The French social protection system has helped consolidate social cohesion, fight poverty and cushion the devastating effects of the current crisis. But, built on the model of a male head of household with wife and children as a caregiver, it confirms gender inequalities and neglects, even penalizes, career development.

Drawing a new architecture for social protection, this book shows that it is urgent and possible to overhaul this system. Its metamorphosis must be based on the demand for gender equality, on the support of diversified careers and on upstream social investment in favour of children and young people, in order to guarantee everyone the right to a quality personal and professional life.

This second generation of social rights combines protection and social advancement for all, in order to build a society of fellow human beings.