L’économie féministe. Pourquoi l’économie a besoin du féminisme et vice versa, Presses de Sciences Po, 2020. ISBN: 139782724626759

October 22, 2020


L’économie féministe/ Feminist economics prefaced by Thomas Piketty

Economics was conceived by men, to be at the service of a society led by men. It is also the least feminized social science: women represent barely a quarter of economists. “I am a feminist economist,” says Hélène Périvier. By lifting the veil on the apparent neutrality of the concepts and analyses of this discipline, she reveals the springs of a social organization resulting from the patriarchal model, centered on the male breadwinner and female housewife model became the female crumbswinner. Feminist economics, because it renews the themes and approaches of the discipline, deploys knowledge and tools to achieve gender equality.

Published in Brazil

Lectures & conferences

Podcast Genre etc. Faire de la recherche en féministe, a discussion with Geneviève Fraisse, (Septembre 2023).

Many thanks to the team of the Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days for having inviting me May the 4th (be with you) 2023 at Strasbourg to present L’économie féministe.

Discussion organized by Bazar do Tempo with the political scientist Débora Thomé on the reception of A Economia Feminista in Brazil, the event is available ici. (16th March 2023).

Conférence autour de l’Economie féministe sur la scène du théatre national de Foix, L’estive, en partenariat avec la Maif (November 3, 2022)

Les débats de l’égalité, Worl Equality Lab, PSE, L’économie féministe (December 15, 2022)

Press coverage

Valor Econômico -> Interview in Valor Econômico on my book L’économie féministe by the journalist Laura Greenhalgh

France Culture | la théorie économique et le féminisme (May 2022)

France Culture | l’économie féministe (June 2021)

Libération | les sciences économiques et la place des femmes dans la société (May 2021)

France Inter | L’économie féministe (March 2021)

Le Monde | L’économie féministe (February 2021)

Le Devoir | L’économie féministe (January 2021)

Challenges | L’économie féministe (January 2021)

France 24 |L’économie féministe (January 2021)

Radio Canada | L’économie féministe (January 2021)

France Inter | L’économie féministe (January 2021)

Alternatives Économiques | L’économie féministe (October 2020)

France Culture | L’économie féministe (October 2020)