Le deuxième âge de l’émancipation. La société, les femmes et l’emploi, La République des Idées, Seuil, with Dominique Méda, 2007. ISBN:2020917629

January 1, 2007

The second age of emancipation. Society, women and employment -> Le deuxième âge de l’émancipation. La société, les femmes et l’emploi, La République des Idées, Seuil, with Dominique Méda, 2007.


French women combine a high level of employment and fertility envied by many. But the national averages actually hide a deteriorating situation. Their participation rate is still lower than that of men, their jobs are of lower quality, their wages are lower, their working hours are shorter, and they remain responsible for most of the domestic and family tasks. This is not only a clear injustice, but also a heavy mortgage on our collective future. More women in employment would mean less poverty, more balanced social accounts and investments in education finally valued. This book proposes to examine the conditions of economic and social organization likely to give women the means of their freedom. He thus draws a “second age of emancipation”, beneficial to the whole of society.