European labour markets in time of crisis: A gender perspective, Revue de l’OFCE, n°133, co-edited with Antoine Math and Anne Eydoux. ISBN: 978-2-312-00836-3
special issue

January 1, 2014

European labour markets in time of crisis: A gender perspective, Revue de l’OFCE, n°133


Introduction: European labour markets in times of crisis A gender perspective Anne Eydoux, Antoine Math and Hélène Périvier

The challenge of austerity for equality/ A consideration of eight European countries in the crisis Jill Rubery and Maria Karamessini

Men and women during the economic crisis Employment trends in eight European countries Hélène Périvier

The long tail of the Great Recession: Foregone employment and foregone policies Mark Smith and Paula Villa

“An ebbing tide lowers all boats” How the great recession of 2008 has affected men and women in Central and Eastern Europe Éva Fodor and Beáta Nagy

Women during recessions in France and Germany: The gender biases of public policies Anne Eydoux

Women’s employment in Germany: Robust in crisis but vulnerable in job quality Claudia Weinkopf

Labour market flows and unemployment dynamics by sex in Greece during the crisis Maria Karamessini and Franciscos Koutentakis

Gender issues of the recent crisis in Portugal Pilar González

Have the economic crises reduced the gender gap on the Spanish labour market? Yolanda Peña-Boquete

Women and men’s employment in the recessions of the 1990s and 2000s in Sweden Anita Nyberg

Gender equality and the impact of recession and austerity in the UK Anthony Rafferty