I am a researcher in economics in the OFCE at Sciences Po.
My research focuses on evaluation of family, social and tax policies, and on the analysis of gender inequalities in the labour market, in the family and in higher education. I am also interested in the history of economic thought with a feminist perspective.
I am the director and the co-founder of the gender studies program of Sciences Po, PRESAGE. Since April 2023, I am the president of the High Family Council in the Haut Conseil de la famille de l’enfance et de l’âge, HCFEA. This Council aims at fostering and leading public debate on family issues and public policies in the French context.
Just released
“Mesurer les violences sexistes et sexuelles en milieu étudiant. Défis méthodologiques et incertitudes juridiques”, joint with Victor Coutiolleau and Clara Le Gallic Ach, mimeo, 2025.
“From choice to capabilities: abortion and reproductive justice”, joint with Hazal Atay, Feminist economics, March 2025.
“Orchestrating Equality of Opportunities. Sex segregation and gender bias in decision-making, Working Paper OFCE n° 15/2024, joint with Maxime Parodi, Audrey Etienne, Reguina Hatzipetrou-Andronikou and Hyacinthe Ravet.
“Crossing Gender Studies With the Commons: A Bibliometric Analysis”, The International Journal of the Commons, Vol. 18, n°1, 2024. doi: 10.5334/ijc.1341
“Where are the Fathers? The Effects of Earmarking Parental Leave on Fathers in France”, with Grégory Verdugo, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Vol. 77(1), 2024. doi: 10.1177/00197939231201570
->“Parental Leave: Where are the fathers?”, with Grégory Verdugo, IZA World of Labor, August 2023
Updated version May 2024 ->“De Sciences Po à l’ENA, la voie étroite vers les sommets de la fonction publique: L’effet croisé du genre et de l’origine sociale”, Working Paper OFCE n° 14/2023, with Maxime Parodi and Fabrice Larat.
In the media
France Culture, Entendez-vous l’éco -> Homo oeconomicus (5/44): “Du paternalisme à la privatisation, le choix de la crèche”, (Septembre 2024).
France Inter, Le téléphone sonne -> “Quelles priorités pour les familles monoparentales?”, (June 7, 2024).
France Culture, Entendez-vous l’éco? -> “Un Nobel à soi: Claudia Goldin ou l’économie féministe”, (Octobre 2023).
on the same topic in The Conversation -> « Nobel » d’économie : Claudia Goldin et l’émancipation des femmes américaines
Podcast Genre etc. Faire de la recherche en féministe, discussion with Geneviève Fraisse, (Septembre 2023).
My latest book
In the streets of Nantes (FR), this poster displays the female crumbswinner model (that echos to the male breadwinner model), concept that I develop in my research, in particular in the Chapter 5 of my book L’économie féministe -> Thanks to the artist for disseminating ideas!